I live on a boat on Vancouver Island, on the west coast of Canada. I love it. It is beautiful and I love that my home can move to an anchorage and I can explore with it. Except right now I am embarrassed to be Canadian because a convoy of protesters of covid rules are in our nations capital acting like idiots and waving swastikas and the like. They need to go home.
Best trip ever was a three week holiday in Italy three years ago. Amazing. Would love to go back but because air travel is so bad for the climate crisis, covid may never end and also I likely will not be able to afford it I fear that kind of adventure might not happen for me in future. But I have incredible memories I carry. I would in a heartbeat go there again; there are other parts of Europe I would love to see also. A girl can dream.
Worst twisted turn my life took was when a person joined our family some years ago who is now in jail charged with terrible things. One of the few times where I look back at and wish I could truly have a do-over; take a different path.
I have pets; two dogs. A small obnoxious one named Rover and a rescued street dog from Kathmandu named Kali who is lovely. Kali is very vocal and has some holdover behaviours from her street life; like not always knowing to ask to go out to pee because I think when she lived there she just did it wherever she was. Sigh.
I grew up in a small town on the other side of the country where my dad was the police chief. That is not always a way to gain friends.
My plans for writing are just to do it when I can. it nourishes me and although often I feel like I am writing sheer drivel that no-one else will read, I still do it. And then, once in a while someone takes real meaning from something I said and that is good. But I would probably write anyway, into the abyss.
That's probably enough of my life, there's a few hundred others of us out there!